Poison Oak Cold Process Soap
Ewe So Dirty
Regular price $7.00
Fantastic results with this all natural cold process soap!
Also a brilliant treatment for other issues with Chemical Irritant Contact Dermatitis which can be associated with working with plant material in many farming applications!
As a daily skin soap, you just can not beat this soap! It must be the tannin's in the bark and all the other herbs that make this soap my favorite daily use soap! It leaves the skin fresh and soft as a babies behind!
This bar is LOADED with a ton of botanicals and will be quite abrasive...and that is a good thing if you have a wicked case of poison oak! Oh the itchiness!!! Rub away my friend, rub away! But don't wash it off...leave the soap on!
Contains: Bentonite Clay, Birch Bark, Willow Bark, Plantain Leaf, Sassafras, Elder Flower & Colloidal Oatmeal , Jewel Weed, Noni, Olive Leaf, Burdock root and lemongrass.
Quantity: each bar (2.9 oz)
Customer Reviews
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Thank you for the soap. I like it
This is the best remedy for poison oak that I have ever used! When I moved away from California I thought I would never need it again. But alas here I am, here again working in the forest and. poison oak. I expedited shipping and got it right away! What a relief literally!!! It is amazing!
I get poison oak really bad to the point where I've needed topical and oral steroids. I've tried every poison oak cream, soap, remedy on the market. This soap is the ONLY one that works to not allow it to spread all over my body, it gives relief with the roughness and clears it up so much faster than any other product. This soap is a life saver! 🙌🏽
My husband got a wicked case of poison oak working in the central valley foothills. I was about to send him to the clinic for a steroid but got this at our local Ace the evening before. The rash was practically gone in the morning. No blisters, hives, etc. Game changer for sure.
At the suggestion of my friend who gave me your Poison Oak soap for a case of the rash, I used it on half my body and a not-to-be-named national product on the other half and your product (local to me) won on all counts. It felt good going on and it soothed the itching for longer. Thank you, I will be looking carefully at what else Ewe So Dirty has to offer.